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Brennenstuhl draws a positive conclusion from BAU 2025

Successful trade fair appearance at BAU 2025: Why the brennenstuhl® brand belongs here

As the global meeting place for the construction industry, BAU 2025 offered brennenstuhl® a stage on which to show why the brand belongs there. The result was clear: the target group expects brennenstuhl® at a trade fair of this format. Our appearance was not a surprise, but a consistent and forward-looking decision for the brand. The appearance at BAU 2025 was a milestone for brennenstuhl®. It was the perfect platform to present the products for the trade and construction industry, especially from the Professional range, and to meet the expectations of the target group.

Brennenstuhl Messestand BAU 2025

brennenstuhl® Professional: Innovation in personal protection against electrical accidents

A highlight of the trade fair appearance was the presentation of the brennenstuhl® Professional products, which were specially developed for the needs of craftsmen and professionals. The innovative solutions, which focus on quality, durability and user-friendliness, were very well received by the visitors.

These include the high-quality Professional cable reels from brennenstuhl® with a 5-socket insert. The new cable reels are designed to support everyday work with practical functions and enable maximum efficiency.

In addition to the manufacturer's well-known bestsellers in the field of power and light distribution, the brennenstuhl® PRCD-S ADVANCED was presented as a further new product. With its enhanced safety functions, it is designed to help its users achieve greater protection on construction and assembly sites, while at the same time meeting all the technical requirements for the occupational safety premium awarded by BG Bau.

AMPShare connects brennenstuhl® with partner brands

The AMPShare Alliance, which includes power tool manufacturers such as Bosch Professional, Fein and Rothenberger as well as brennenstuhl®, also formed a strong partnership and visible unit. The manufacturers used BAU to present the benefits of the AMPShare partnership.

AMPShare, the cross-manufacturer battery system, stands for maximum flexibility and compatibility between different tool brands. The integration of the system into the brennenstuhl® product portfolio underlines the claim to focus on innovation and customer needs.

brennenstuhl® draws a positive conclusion

After all the interesting discussions with the users of its products, a convincing appearance at BAU 2025, and the presentation of innovative solutions, brennenstuhl® is looking to the future with optimism. The positive feedback and valuable input from the trade fair will be used to continue developing products that meet the needs of professionals.