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Abychom pro vás mohli naše webové stránky optimálně navrhnout a neustále je vylepšovat, používáme soubory cookie. Dalším používáním webových stránek souhlasíte s používáním souborů cookie. Další informace o souborech cookie naleznete v našich zásadách ochrany osobních údajů.

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Lectra Technik AG
Blegistrasse 13
6340 Baar/ZG

Telefon +41 41 767 21 21 Telefax +41 41 767 21 22 E-Mail info@lectra-t.com Webseite www.lectra-t.com

Persönlich haftender Gesellschafter Lectra Technik AG, Sitz Baar
Handelsregisteramt des Kantons Zug
Geschäftsführer Gilbert Fanger Verantwortlich für den Inhalt Hugo Brennenstuhl GmbH & Co KG Umsatzsteuer-ID CHE-106.909.292 MWST Handelsregister CHE-106.909.292 Zuständiges Gericht Zug WEEE-Reg.-Nr. VP10440

Konzept und Realisation interface medien GmbH
Scheibenstraße 119
D-48153 Münster

Použité fotografie

Titel: Flag of Europe, European Union ©  12ee12

Titel: CE mark symbol black colored on white background ©  123levit

Titel: Three women running in the night in the city center ©  oneinchpunch

Titel: Sommergewitter ©  Christian Schwier

Titel: Lightning storm over city in purple light ©  stnazkul

Titel: Dangerous Blue Lightning Strike ©  jcpjr

Titel: Man using a lawn mower ©  ivanko80

Titel: Happy friends enjoying barbecue party ©  nd3000

Titel: Tourist with flashlight near his camp tent at night ©  antic

Titel: happy family ©  drubig-photo

Legal information

All information on our website has been carefully checked. We endeavour to keep this information up-to-date, correct and complete. Nevertheless, the occurrence of errors cannot be completely ruled out. No guarantee can therefore be given for the completeness, correctness and up-to-dateness of the information.

The publisher may modify and/or discontinue operation of this website at any time at its own discretion and without notice. He is not obliged to update the contents of this website.

Access to and use of this website is at the user's own risk. Brennenstuhl is not responsible and accepts no liability whatsoever for damages, including direct, indirect, accidental, pre-determined or consequential damages, which are alleged to have arisen through or in connection with the access and/or use of this website.